



The Aquatic Club of Pasco County has established a Breeders Award Program (BAP) to encourage members to breed a greater variety of fish as well as to share with others the knowledge they have gained. The program is open to all Paid members in good standings and there is no time limit: you proceed at your own pace. Breeder points are awarded for successful spawning and raising of each species according to difficulty. For more information, feel free to contact Scott Hill


Member No. Member Name Date Received Type Points
1 Jose Fadhel 4/9/2016 Xiphophorus Sunburst 10
1 Jose Fadhel 4/9/2016 Xiphophorus Red Velvet 10
1 Jose Fadhel 4/9/2016 Poecilia Wingei (Tiger Endlers) 10
1 Jose Fadhel 4/9/2016 Poecilia Wingei (Golden Endlers) 10
1 Jose Fadhel 7/9/2016 Chocolate bushy nose 30
1 Jose Fadhel 11/10/2016 Black Wag Platties (Xiphophorus) 10
1 Jose Fadhel 11/10/2016 Calico Mollies (Poecilia) 10
1 Jose Fadhel 11/10/2016 Sri Lanka Guppies 10
2 Jimmy Jobes 4/9/2016 Cordoras Schultzei 20
2 Jimmy Jobes 8/13/2016 Colisa Lalia (powder blue gourami) 15
2 Jimmy Jobes 4/9/2016 Pearl Gourami 15
2 Jimmy Jobes 12/10/2016 Bristelnose Pleco 30
2 Jimmy Jobes 12/10/2016 Silver tipped tetra 20
3 Drew Golden 7/9/2016 Pelvicachromis Pulcher 15
3 Drew Golden 10/8/2016 Forumosa Heteroandia 10
20 Missina Burcaw 8/13/2016 Betta Splenden 15
20 Missina Burcaw 8/13/2016 Xiphophorus Helleri (Red Swordtail) 10
20 Missina Burcaw 8/13/2016 Bristlenose Pleco (Albino long/shortfin) 30
20 Missina Burcaw 11/10/2016 Neolamprologus Multi Fasiatus 15
21 Steve Cochenour 5/14/2016 Amatitlania Nigrofasciata (Convict) 10
21 Steve Cochenour 5/14/2016 Amphilophus Lyonsi 20
21 Steve Cochenour 8/13/2016 Paratheraps Fenestratum 20
21 Steve Cochenour 10/8/2016 Amphilophus Trimaculatis 20
21 Steve Cochenour 10/8/2016 Parachromis Managuensis 20
21 Steve Cochenour 11/10/2016 Bristlenose Pleco (Calico/Albino) 30

To download the form to apply for points and program rules: